Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Scotland ...Yes or No to independence

On 18 September 2014, Scotland will vote to be / or not to be ...an independent country

I have dear friends and family who are in either the Yes or No camp ....and I have not been able to figure out for myself, what the best way forward will be for this strong and beautiful nation

I know too little of the story - I am too far away and essentially it is not anything much to do with me - other than that I am a citizen in this world. Yet I feel as if it is very important, this vote.

I care. Very deeply, I care about how it will all unfold. Some loved ones are going to be very excited when the vote goes the way they want it. Other loved ones will be unhappy.

The thing for me is .....this Yes / No vote reflects something of myself back to me......

I am in the space of making decisions about my life, about my way forward, and I know how important it is for me to MAKE decisions. To say No to the Old and Stuck and Exhausting ....and Yes to the Future filled with Mystery and AddVentures ....

My mother was Scottish ...my roots are there ...and the vote will take place on what would have been her birthday.

I have also been told that I should keep an eye on world events, as there is an aspect in my astrological chart that shows that I can be affected by world events ...(okay - I am sure Rod Suskin would whack me on the head for not explaining this correctly - suffice to say - he suggested I keep an eye on events and work out how they relate to my life - any pedantic astrologers out there are welcome to consider me uninformed or ignorant ....I know that what others think is not my concern.....I am going with what I remember - the essence of what I understand about his words to me)

The vote in Scotland is important to me - more than it was an hour ago when I began this blog. It reflects a Bigger Picture to me than just a tiny mighty nation deciding on it's way forward.

Like me, she has experience, resources, knowledge, wisdom, skills......I know that the world will love and accept and support us .....

Me and Scotland ...always intertwined ...and together we go forward ....I know what I am choosing for my life ...and I wait with excitement to see what Scotland decides for herself .....