Sunday, 6 April 2008

cold sunday

I am so delighted that Daughter Number One is enjoying the snow in the northern part of the world, but does it have to be bloody freezing here in Sunny SA as well?
What is it about Sundays that has one being lethargic - especially if it is the first cold Sunday of the year? Stunning awesome sunsets and warm days have been the order of the week - and now Baltic. Ridiculous. I shall continue to blame the cold weather for my lethargy - and not the real reason which is a resistance to doing what needs to be done.
I recently discovered a book that is helping me to clarify what I really, really, really want for my future. The three reallys are because the Oprah show highlighted the author of Eat Pray Love and the advice given by the author is to ask oneself each day what I Really Really Really want - and then the heart answers, and not the head or the (mindless) mind.
What I really really really want is to travel globally, running my inspirational business and having a fabulous partner to share all the excitement with me. Since I have not completed the definition of what I RRR want, I am not certain how important the partner is - I really would like one, but do I RRR want one? Sounds good in theory, so what I RRR want is one who adds to my life in the same measure that I add to his - and since I want an authentic, integrated soul to share my journey, clearly I need to be a fully integrated authentic soul, otherwise it is impossible to attract one into my life.
So, it would seem that I need to put aside my lethargy and do what needs to be done for me to become authentic and integrated. I appreciate this blog today for teaching me and inspiring me to get on with participating im my own life, rather than being a spectator in my own life - which is likely to be the most boring of tasks - watching nothing happen does not appeal.

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