Friday, 9 July 2010

Being complete

I want him to love me

I want him to need me

I want this to be different

I want to feel loved

I want to feel appreciated


He fulfills me

He makes my life worth living

He is so awesome

He needs me to rescue him

He looks so hurt and sad and lost


What kind of relationship will you have when it starts out with one of you thinking that the other needs rescuing, or fixing, or fulfilling ( in the sense that the person is incomplete without the other )

Where does that relationship then go? Once the other is fixed, rescued, completed....what then?

Let them go.

Start an awesome relationship - with yourSelf.

Love your Self

Fulfill your Self

And when you have done that ~ when you do not need  to be




When you love the completeness of Who You Are -

Thats when you let someone in.

And then you grow together.

In Love

In Completeness

In Unison

Now, doesn't that sound like so much more fun?


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Connectivity in action! I am writing the journey of real love in action!

IAIN MACK said...
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