Except that he is a fundamentalist Christian.
Not too sure how happily he would have accepted my Buddha statues around the house.
And I could not edit my Self to fit in with his world view.
End of romance.
Then I met another lovely man. Awesome guy. Brilliant catch for the right woman.
I am not the right woman.
End of that fairy tale ....
And then .....
never in a million years could I have imagined the scenario
and I have a rather vivid imagination!
It was time for me to open my Heart ... and I chose well.
I opened my Heart to another Soul, and the Love that emerged was way beyond anything I have ever experienced.
I am grateful that I allowed my Self the opportunity to trust enough to be vulnerable.
I am grateful for all the Love that I discovered within Me.
I now know what it feels like to Love. Beyond measure.
I can happily face 2011, knowing that one of my greatest challenges has been met
I know Me better now.
I have seen Me in a way I had never done before.
and I LOVE it!