Sunday, 30 January 2011

Boundless Love

Dearly Beloved ...
We met

We discovered Love

We parted

I am sad .....

Yet ever grateful that we met

The song and the joy and the beauty you brought has left an indelible mark on my life
Not many get to experience Love so overwhelming, so boundless, so comprehensive and engaging

We will meet again

in this world or the next

and until that moment, know that you are Loved beyond measure

Loved because You are You and I am Me

Dearly Beloved ..

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

giving and receiving

A friend had what one might call a lucky break today and her friend commented that she had been lucky because she gives unconditionally, and that it is Spiritual Law that she is rewarded in a similar way.

On the surface, this may seem to be correct. Give, willingly - receive, in abundance.

There are so many layers to this concept. Yes, when one is giving willingly and unconditionally, one does receive in return. It is the sense of knowing that you helped a fellow human being, or an animal, or a charitable organisation. It does not mean that because you have given freely of yourself, that you will always be the first name out of the hat in a lucky draw. It does not mean that you will win the lottery.It does not mean that if you give of yourself spiritually, that you will be rewarded materially.
There will be times when exceptional gifts come your way after you have done something that is deemed to be noble or kind or generous. But it may have nothing to do with those acts. It could be random luck!

I have seen many a homeless person, struggling to survive on the streets, who is selflessly kind to other beings - human or animal. And still, the struggle continues - searching for food and shelter and warmth.

Giving of yourself ~ IS~ the gift. It is the opportunity for you to feel good about the time you are spending on the planet. It is that feel-good feeling of having helped another, when they had needed a lending hand.

That, for me, is the Spiritual Law .....helping ~ when you can ~ just because you can.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


we have amazing senses

most of us can see, hear, taste, smell, touch

and we have that sixth sense, the inner voice

the one which alerts us to danger
the one which helps us find things we have misplaced

and my favourite sense is the one of anticipation

that inner knowing that something exciting is unfolding
that I am on the brink of something special

for months, I have known that something is just around the corner for me ...
I have been able to feel It, taste It, smell It ......and yet not quite see or hear It

In a dream last night - I know I saw it and recognised it.

now, the anticipation - of waiting for it's arrival

I will share the moment with you.

Until then, I will enjoy the fun of imagining It!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

going home........

Going home ... that phrase always held a sense of comfort for me. Going home meant going back to things that are familiar. A place of rest. A place that holds treasured articles, fond memories, and what I call ~ a soft place to land ~

There is also another meaning that this holds for me ... going home. To where I came from. When I am done with this lifetime. When I am ready to move on to whatever happens beyond this physical lifetime. Going home in this sense appeals when this lifetime is tough and challenging ...and I will go home, one day, when the time is perfect ....

Going home right now means something a little different. It means leaving my daughter with whom I have spent the last few weeks. Leaving her and her partner, and flying South for many hours ...from the icy cold winter of the North to the warmth of an African summer.

So near, and yet so far.

This time, going home to the place where I live, where I have friends and family, where I get to earn the money I need to live on this planet, where I have a beautiful cat who is lonely for my company, where there are most of the things that make up my life ~ this time, going home does not appeal as much as usual.

It brings up too many questions.

About who I am. What I want to do. What I need to shed of the Old to make way for the New.

It brings up a million questions, and I have very few answers.

This time, going home means I can no longer avoid finding the answers to the questions I have. It is time for me to discover who I am, and what I really, really, really want from this lifetime.

It is time for me to be bold. To claim and stand in my own power. It is time for me to stand up and be counted in a way I have never done before.

Because what has worked up till now, has not been enough. Slowly but surely, I have drifted away from my dream. I have allowed it to erode bit by bit. I have put my Life on hold ~ for seemingly good reason ... but I have fooled myself. Only me. No-one else has been fooled.

I will allow my inner strength to emerge. I will look at my own Life with kind eyes and an open heart. I will see the beauty of what I have to offer. I allow that beauty to permeate every vision I have of myself. For myself.

No longer am I content to be an observer of my own life. I will be an active participant in this universal dance of Loving and Living and Growing and Sharing.

In doing so, I will create the time and the space and the energy that allows me to find that soft place to land. I deserve that place where I feel Loved and Supported.

In a few days, I will arrive at the place I call home, for the first time in 2011

It is going to be an interesting journey. And with just a smattering of trepidation, I am looking forward to it, and I am eager to see how it all unfolds.

Somewhere, inside of me, resides the courage I need for taking those steps. Time to unwrap that particular gift!

To quote my favourite author:

Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.
Richard Bach 

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Two sides to the Coin

Fire is necessary on the mountains around the city I call home. The vegetation needs to re-seed itself every few years, and fire is the key to unlocking those seeds. Mother Nature allows that elemental power of fire to sweep across the flora, wiping out the old and allowing the new to seed itself.

Those fires are awesome. They destroy. They renew. The demand one's attention. It is difficult for me not to be moved by the scene, even if I am many thousands of miles away. When 'my' mountain burns, I take note. 

Because there is quite a bit of alien vegetation like pine trees, brought in by settlers hundreds of years ago, the damage is extensive and very visual. The indigenous plants are in comparison, small shrubs. They still burn, but perhaps with less ferocity than the huge trees that were planted in the area.

The recent fires may have been started by arsonists. What the intention behind their actions may be, I do not know.

What matters to me is my reaction to the scenario. It felt 'wrong'. Mother Nature 'should' be the one to decide when the time is 'right' for the fire.

Right and wrong , however, are merely opposite sides to the same coin. It is a matter of perspective.

Good and Bad. Love and Fear. Light and Dark. 

We so often make judgment calls about these things. And yet they are merely different sides of the same coin.

When a coin is lying on a table, the part facing upwards is in the so-called Light. The other side of that coin is at the same moment in time, experiencing what we may call Dark. Perspective is the difference. Because if we flip that coin, the scenario reverses itself.

While we are judging the scenario, perhaps it is because we are only looking at one side of the coin. There is so often the other side of the story. 

I believe that no matter how it looks, all is well. Because of that balance of up and down, left and right, rich and poor, good and evil. When we get the chance and ability to step back and see the bigger picture, we get a new perspective. 

I know that the mountain will recover from the damage. In a year or so, the vegetation will be rich and lush again. Life goes on. 

We get to choose how to view the events of our lives. We get to choose to see either one or both sides of the coin. We have that power. We get to choose ...