Tuesday, 25 January 2011

giving and receiving

A friend had what one might call a lucky break today and her friend commented that she had been lucky because she gives unconditionally, and that it is Spiritual Law that she is rewarded in a similar way.

On the surface, this may seem to be correct. Give, willingly - receive, in abundance.

There are so many layers to this concept. Yes, when one is giving willingly and unconditionally, one does receive in return. It is the sense of knowing that you helped a fellow human being, or an animal, or a charitable organisation. It does not mean that because you have given freely of yourself, that you will always be the first name out of the hat in a lucky draw. It does not mean that you will win the lottery.It does not mean that if you give of yourself spiritually, that you will be rewarded materially.
There will be times when exceptional gifts come your way after you have done something that is deemed to be noble or kind or generous. But it may have nothing to do with those acts. It could be random luck!

I have seen many a homeless person, struggling to survive on the streets, who is selflessly kind to other beings - human or animal. And still, the struggle continues - searching for food and shelter and warmth.

Giving of yourself ~ IS~ the gift. It is the opportunity for you to feel good about the time you are spending on the planet. It is that feel-good feeling of having helped another, when they had needed a lending hand.

That, for me, is the Spiritual Law .....helping ~ when you can ~ just because you can.

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