Sunday, 8 May 2011

taking steps ....

Once upon a time.... when we were little .... those of us who blessed with the ability to do so, learned to crawl and then walk.

For months we lay around, having a look the this world, and trying to figure out how it all functions - and just how much or how little of it revolves around us. Eventually, curiosity got the better of us and we decided to do some exploring. We had pretty much tasted everything we had managed to get a hold of ... each and every thing - much to parents distress at times, went straight into the mouth. And generally, we did not die because of it. Luckily.

Then came the day ... there we lay, on our belly - on the floor - and just out of reach was the very thing we wanted to play with or investigate, and somehow we managed to wriggle our little body towards this great treasure. Success. Now we own the whole world. things are there and we can reach them ... with some effort, yes ...but mostly, we can reach them.

Of course, that belly crawling did not satisfy our curiosity for long. So much more to see and do and touch and play with, and sometimes just out of reach. We noticed that the big people could walk. They seemed to rise up like giants, put one foot ahead of the other, repeat the procedure ...and they got to places we could not get to .....

Surely, we thought, surely we can do that too?

And so it began - the striving for the ability to stand upright and do that thing that people kept mentioning - walking. Is he / she walking yet? Has your little one learned to walk?
A week ... two weeks ...perhaps a month ...and then it happened ...standing without falling and then managing to cover ground - on two little feet - often on tippy toes - but walking nonetheless! Champions at movement!!

Years have passed. the whole process is largely taken for granted.

New challenges come our way - and often we are wary of taking the next step. How can that be? Did we not manage to take steps when we were still knee-high to grass-hoppers? How can taking a new step now possibly scare or daunt us - are we not absolutely amazing? We arrived on the planet not being able to even support the weight of our own heads - and within months we were mobile and running!

Our next step is flying - not the flapping wings soaring in the sky thing - flying - in our lives, in our careers, in our chosen paths. In our relationships. Everywhere.

As tiny tots we learned how to walk and talk. Surely anything else is easy in comparison?

Sure hope so ... because I have steps ahead of me that I need to take - and if a baby can learn to walk ... I can do anything!

So can you ......

I dare you ......


Saturday, 7 May 2011

7.5.11 #2

and so it seems that you are ready to channel the info you are awaiting. we are her to oblige and facilitate. now relax as you let go of all those things that have worried you unnecessarily for weeks now. let it go. it is no longer of importance - if ever it were. you came to the room to heal the room so get to it dear one. simply surrender to the Divine within and trust as you always do that all is well no matter how it may look. you cannot get it wrong.

you have been unable to breathe of late. we understand. you have taken on more than is your burden to carry. lay it down now and allow the breath of life to enter every part of your lungs

Sha'men - is how the name sounds that you can use to communicate and call on us - but you already know that you do not need a name - a box to put us in. we are here at all times to serve you and those who will engage with you for the light you can help them to find. you are as you know a way sharer and a light house - it is your chosen path
we are ready to start working with you as you accept the words we are giving you
let it be known that all across the planet there are those like you who are helping with this task

so many are confused by all the information that is now so readily available on all your internet and books and tv. not all are able to discern which is of use to them and which are there to confuse them

you have the gift of clarity to share with them to help them to engage their sense of discernment

to help them to see through all the gobbledy-gook that is out there

you are very quick to pick up for yourself what is truth and what is not

you have chosen to work on this planet in a way that allows others to know their truth without having to get confused by all that is available.
you can cut through all the nonsense.
just as you explained to your friend today about the pendulums.
we all have the capacity to do everything.
the mystique around many subjects is there unnecessarily. the days of mystery schools are over.
it is now feasible for anyone to learn anything at all. even those who come onto the planet with seeming challenges like Autism and Downs - you now understand that they are in no way defective but are amazingly effective for those who choose to learn what they have come here to teach. they have come to shift us all - if we care to take note.
we will say more later



<<< Ali we are here because you have called us forth. there is nothing we cannot do to help you in your lifes mission but understand that there is much you need to do too. you wrote your script and you can choose to abdicate from the path or you can dig deep and find that inner strength and joy that we support, to allow you to fulfil what it is that YOUR Soul desires. We see you. we hear you and many is the time that we have answered your call and you know that. You also know that many times you have been too timid to make the steps, but trust us when we say that the time is right now - right now. we have helped you to call forth those who wish to work with you on this earth plane so be bold and do it. so little effort is needed - only the Yes from your heart. everything will flow so amazingly well that your jaw will hang open with delight and surprise - and those who are watching you will be in awe. you came here to lead and those who want to follow you are getting desperate for you to step up to the plate, and take the shot. that is all you have to do dear one- one or two steps, lift the bat - and focus on what is coming towards you. simple, Ali - really simple. no need to be afraid of success - it is what you came here to do and be. everything else so far has been a distraction - and you know how much you want this - every fibre in your being is telling you - so listen. We hold your hand and rejoice with you. relax dear one - when you were little you learned to walk ...first you lay around and then you crawled - you were so curious about the wider world. this is no different - you are curious. you have crawled and just one more step and you will be flying - amazing isnt it? I am here and you will hear my name soon. listen for it.>>>


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Love is all there is

Love is all there is. That is it. Nothing more to say. Love is all there is.

My brother has decided that he will no longer visit our very frail, gentle old Dad - because he mistakenly believes he is no longer named in the Will as an heir. I have an idea of how he came to believe this misinformation - and despite my assurance that the information he is assuming is incorrect, he is choosing to ignore my letters telling him how much Dad wants to see him, how much Dad misses him.
At the outset here, I want to say that I understand my brothers feelings - if it were true that he was removed from the Will, I can certainly understand how that would be very hurtful. However, he is punishing himself and our Dad for no valid reason.
I have struggled over this issue for months now. Dad is so saddened and hurt that he asked me to call the lawyer in so that he could lash back by rewriting the Will, excluding his son. I explained that I felt that he only wanted to do that because he Loves his son so much and is hurting because of his absence, not because he hates him.
I said that if he needs me to call the lawyer to take that drastic action, then he needs to put it in writing for me, so that I am sure that he knows exactly what he is doing and why ... Dad cannot call the lawyer himself as he is too deaf to use the phone.
My moods and thoughts swing so much on this issue. Surely one does not equate Love and Inheritance? When Dad had his stroke, I used to visit him more than twice a day ... it took years before I could find it possible to give myself a day off from visiting him - I would hate to be in his situation, with none of my offspring or family visiting me. I do for my Dad what I would appreciate someone doing for me if I was incapacitated. My dad was always - and I mean always - available for us. No matter the time of day. No matter what needed doing. Fix a tap? Sure. Drive us somewhere? No problem. Borrow some cash. Its a pleasure.
My Dad is awesome. He is frail, forgetful, old, hard of hearing ....but he is my Dad and I love him beyond measure.I cannot imagine Loving him less if he was poor or homeless or a beggar on the street. I love my Dad because he is the one I chose as my dad. He is part of the path I chose. And I have to find a way to be at peace with the path he and my brother have chosen.
My sadness stems from the loss of their relationship - there is not much time left for my Dad and brother to enjoy each others company.
I am also sad because I no longer get to have a real relationship with Dad - all our interactions now are to do with explaining where my brother is, and why he is choosing to ignore him. Son is the main focus in his life now. All I do is answer the eternal questions  ..  have you heard from him? have you seen him? why did he not come to say happy birthday to me for my 89th? it was a weekend, not a work day - surely he could have found a few minutes. I have lost a lot of my connection to Dad ... it is all about my brother now - and his absence.
Ah well, we all choose our paths .... and I will eventually understand what this part of my journey is all about. I know for sure that when Dad transitions, all will be clear to him, and he will understand.
For now, I just hope that there are days when the conversation will have some other topics.
In the meantime, all I can do is Love my Dad and Love my brother. And be respectful of the paths they have chosen to walk.

When all is said and done, Love is all there is ...
