Sunday, 16 February 2014

cyclical creatures

I keep forgetting that we are cyclical creatures. 

We live in a world that passes from day into night and back into day. We circle around the Sun, the Moons circle around us, the Solar System probably circles around something else - or is being circled by different system. I am guessing - in the absence of actual knowledge - and basing my guesswork on all that I have observed during this lifetime.

So why am I constantly surprised when my mood takes a slump and makes me believe that there is no hope, I am a lost cause, I am unfocused and unproductive and therefore not adding value to the world, but merely a burden upon it and on my family and friends?

It seems so silly, because when I turn the corner into an upward mood swing, I realise that it was a natural cycle. We tend to appreciate the great and glorious more, when we have seen the less than lovely......

I shall attempt to remember this next time I go into a negative headspace. Would you please refer me to this blog when I start whining about being useless, a victim, a miserable excuse as a human? Please...!

Because as I said in the first line - I keep forgetting that we are cyclical creatures ...and this too shall pass ...

it is yin and yang. it is up and down. it is near and far. it is beloved and unloved, it is happy and sad. it is north and south. it is kind and harsh. it is laughing and crying. it is everything inbetween ...and it is all okay.


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