Saturday, 29 May 2010

Taking oneself into the Vortex

Last year, a friend of mine, a well known figure in the esoteric field, started a new business. She was making herself more readily available to the man in the street, for those who had questions that needed answers. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? What happens when we die? Can my departed loved one talk to me? What does it mean when I see ~ hear ~ feel things? The kind of questions that are often not satisfactorily answered in our places of worship, our families, our communities. Perhaps because we have for so long divorced ourselves from all that is 'not pretty' in life. We prefer clean, clear, sanitized.

And then she took her own life. Leaving behind loved ones. Little ones.

Which left me with an awful lot of questions - and I was only a friend. No doubt the inner circle of her life, her family, had as many and more questions that may be left unanswered in this lifetime.

When I first became interested in the metaphysical world, I did as much reading as I could. And one of the first things I remember is learning about death, and the way we die. And what that means to us as spiritual or energetic beings. Essentially, it does not matter how we pass. It is merely part of the journey of the Soul - the how is not important. Only the timing is relevant - to the Soul - and no matter when or how we pass, it will be in the perfect time.

It is the same as being born. It is of no consequence whether one is born in a barn or 5 star hospital. It does not matter whether the birth is a natural one, or a surgical intervention. The hows, the whys and the wherefores are irrelevant. It matters only that the Soul arrives here. And will always do so in the perfect moment.

We cannot get it wrong.

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