Monday, 7 March 2011


I chose a mother who was a very domineering woman.
She ruled the roost.
No questions asked.
What Mother wanted, Mother got!
Dad gave up his life for her. Whatever she wanted, if he could give it to her, he did.
My sister and I once asked my Dad why he never did what he wanted to do, why he abandoned himself and his dreams for her, because from our perspective, she surely did not appreciate him.
I think we may have struck a nerve, because his response was to inform us that how he chose to live his life was his concern and no-one else's. And we never asked again!

I was recently chatting to a man who said that his mother was very similar. No matter how hard he worked, or shone on the sportsfield - it was never quite enough.
As a man, he is also attracted to very strong women. And like my Dad, he abandons himself in the relationship and lets the woman take charge.

The challenge lies therein -how to be in a relationship with a strong person, without abandoning oneself in the process. Finding the way to retain one's own power and strength within the relationship.

If that balance is not found, one runs the risk of sitting back in later years and wondering what on Earth you have achieved, other than being the general dogsbody for a person who has probably no respect for your sacrifice.

You have then not only robbed yourself of a rich and full life, you have also robbed your partner of the magnificence of who you really are.

If one is happy in being the underdog ...and that is the role you came here to play, then far be it for me or any other to judge your life path.

However ....when it no longer works for you, when you have lost respect for your Self, then it is time to make a move to change.
Claim back your own power! It is yours to use. It is yours.

You are worthy of a magical life. Period.

Claim it!

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