Sunday, 24 April 2011

Hate is Fear based ....

I want to thank Spirit Most High - and my angelic crew for all the Love and support they shower upon me every single day. It is almost breathtaking, how divinely guarded and guided I am
so often I have plans to do things, and they do not turn out the way I envisaged - and yet never do I get it wrong
I listen. I look for every single small sign. I allow even the littlest sign become significant.
Today I read a line that really hit home for me - rather to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not ...
and I understood in that moment that I have no idea how to hate any more - I am sure I did plenty of it in my time - mainly hating me and my name and the things I was choosing to do - and yet each thing helped to forge me into the BEing I Am now.
Hatred uses up heaps of energy. How is it that there is so much energy in the Universe that some can choose to squander it in that way. It robs one of joy ...and who wants less joy in their life, I wonder?
Then I have to come back to the start of this - even the hating I did in the past, formed me. I see the value in it now, and therefore cannot sit in judgement of another who wishes to spend the time here on this planet, hating things.
And I wonder, where would we be if we were all operating from a place of Love instead? For sure, that hating thing is based in Fear .......

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