Tuesday, 20 April 2010

lessons I am learning from the Great Wise Sierra

Meet Sierra. She is my delightful cat companion. I was recently told that  black and white cats are real characters. I agree.

The fun part of having her in my life is that I get to see me through her eyes! Not always a flattering view, I may add.

She is my mirror - holding herself aloof at times. Wanting close companionship at other times. And then of course there is the inevitable periods of  quiet solitude- that  'leave me alone because I need some time and space in which to contemplate the Universe'.

For Sierra, this should be simple - I am often away from home, so she pretty much has all day to do her contemplation. But daytime is her beauty rest time. When sleeping and shedding hair is all she needs to do. All she wants to do, in fact.

It is when the sun goes down that she sparks up - there is a period of about twenty minutes each evening where she races in the back door - out of a front window - then back in another door - back out the window again. Completely manic! It is as if every creature in the Universe is after her. And then it stops. Time to lie down and rest again.

Since she mirrors me, I have to look at my life to see where I do something similar - and I suppose it is when I go to gym each weekday morning. I run on the track - round and round in circles. Running and getting nowhere - just like the cat. Then lifting things, lowering things,pulling this, pushing that, balancing on equipment - all the while having the most glorious fun of the day!

I envy her the peace she has in her life. No need to stress about anything. Every moment of every day, she trusts that her needs will be met. She has no work that she has to do. She just gets on with being a cat. Which means she can lie in the sun, purr on your lap, chase the lizards and squirrels. Sit on the roof with the pigeons. Life is simple. Straightforward.

This is what she is here to teach me. To be at peace with the world. Keeping her eyes and ears open all the time - carefully observing each and every movement in her space. She doesnt spend hours arguing with herself about the best options available. She just get on and does what needs to be done. And then rests.

Sierra, my teacher - your student is ready.

1 comment:

Anne Child said...

Alison, This is quite delightful. I too am taken care of by a black and white cat - he belongs to my neighbour but chooses to belong to me! They are such wonderful creatures and have so much wisdom to shre with us. Who ever says cats have no character has no knowledge of cats..... LOL.
Anne - aka Hannneica