Thursday, 1 April 2010

We are precious cargo on this planet.

What inspiring words. They can sustain when one is feeling low. I know. Because today I had the Mother-of-all-Headaches. And even when I felt I could not lift my head off the pillow, I could still take comfort in knowing that I was precious.

Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfill. My understanding - inspired by Deepak Chopra - is that the main purpose in life is to Know One's Self. When you know your Self - all is clear. We then understand other people on a deeper level and we understand what Life is really all about. I believe we are here to teach, to learn, to inspire.To grow and nurture and laugh and cry and have fun and - well, pretty much everything we do anyway! If we can find the way to uncover the lesson that is the gift for us in each situation, then we will live a life that is fulfilling.

So enjoy the journey you have undertaken on Earth - and always remember that you are precious cargo here.

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