Saturday, 17 April 2010

Trusting abundance and expansion.

Imagine having a beautiful bunch of flowers on your desk at work. Someone comes along and admires them, perhaps mentioning that those particular yellow roses have great meaning in her life. Without thinking, you reach over, take one from the bunch and hand it to her. With love. With the knowing that this very act will brighten her day. With the knowledge that there is one more happy person on the planet - and you still have a beautiful bunch of flowers on your desk.

That action took place unconditionally. You just reached into your heart, and shared what you had for sharing.

Now imagine you have a beautiful bunch of flowers on your desk at work. Someone comes along and admires them, perhaps mentioning that those particular yellow roses have great meaning in her life. You reach out and pick one from the bunch and hand it to her. You recently heard that whatever you give away comes back tenfold from the Universe. You think that you had better buy some more vases, as you will surely have flowers in every room in your life. Because you gave away a rose. Thinking that the Universe will supply a load in return. And you still have that beautiful bunch of flowers on your desk- with one less yellow rose.

One of those roses was handed over because there was an abundance of beauty, and it could be shared and would not only not be diminished, but exponentially grown, because there are now two people who have flowers that are making their hearts sing.

The other rose was given with a good kind heart, but from a place of thinking that this may be the last bunch I ever get - which would be very sad - and so to increase my chances I will give some away and then I will most certainly be rewarded with  another bunch at some time in the future.

It is subtle, this difference. And seen from a step away there seems to be no difference at all.

One scenario has a bunch of flowers - less one, which leaves it 'less than' it was at the start. one owner of the slightly diminished bunch who is now living in the hope of getting more, but not really believing that this tenfold thing can work. one new recipient with a single yellow rose that is so deeply loved.

The other story sees so many pools of love and beauty - one bunch of flowers. one happy owner of the bunch. one new recipient with one single yellow rose that is so deeply loved.

Which one is your story?


rhumen said...

subtle difference in the wording, immensely different in the vibration!

beautiful, dear...

being unlimited said...

When I spoke of this with a cousin who is a Christian, I expanded this thinking to include the loaves and fishes miracle in feeding the masses. Most could feed one other person but not the many who were gathered. And when one person said I can help, it grew exponentially - all of a sudden there was more food than was necessary - one mans offering became a massive move to feed them all.

rhumen said...

exactly what i feel my purpose in life is... if i were to do the action for you, it *would* help... but just for today...

if i am able to help you see that you can do the action for you, it *would* help... but just for your lifetime :)

being unlimited said...

I love your thinking - feed them fish, or teach them to catch their own fish!