Tuesday, 20 April 2010

sitting with the pain

I recently spent some weeks being most concerned about a family member who had gone into hibernation - newspeak for depression. The phrase works well in the inclement Northern Hemisphere winters.

I found it a challenge to not worry - and since there was very little contact, I had absolutely no way of trying to fix. At the same time, I was giving a friend some much needed support while he worked out how to get his life back on track.

As time went gone by, one of them has managed to see light at the end of the tunnel - I think she switched it on herself - and my friend is still finding daily life a tough challenge. I can only hope that he finds the strength and the courage to do what needs to be done.

I found those months quite tough emotionally. And I was not the one suffering from depression!

I have friends who are facing really tough situations. Some have stories of pain and suffering and loss and desperation and incapacitation. Way more than I have ever had to face or deal with.

So tonight I choose to sit with the pain and the heartache and the sadness and the hurt - and in doing so I am not moving to fix or lessen or diminish. Tonight I choose to sit with it so that I understand more, so that I may open my heart more. So that I may see more clearly. So that I may be more attuned to the wider world.

Tonight, my friends, I sit with your pain, and I trust that whatever healing you may need, will be delivered to your door.

Sleep well tonight my friends. It has been my honour and privilege to connect with you.

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