Wednesday, 21 September 2011

my note from the Universe .... uniquely mine

each weekday I get an email from The Universe, my Note from the Universe

I am sure you know of it. if not - it is time to give yourself that particular treat - no calories involved

this week I got the chance to meet the author of the Notes ... delightful man

as part of the workshop that day, each participant had the chance to write a Note from the Universe as an exercise

predictably (well, predictably, because I have been to so many workshops) we randomly swopped the Notes and got our own unique Note....

this is the one I received ....

* I appreciate you because of your honest and sincere nature. Your caring of others

* It fills me with such joy to know that one day you will know your wisdom in the true sense of the word and feel the joy you have brought to others

*I know that soon you will have your own wisdom reach all those that are ready to receive it

Love is all there is

The Universe


Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The Cursed What If .....

This weekend I went to meet Mike Dooley - aka The Universe whose byline is Thoughts Become Things - Choose The Good Ones ....

during his workshop he teaches how to create the life that you want to live, how to create the world you want live in  ... and has a simple process that he explains with great humour and lively anecdotes

and he constantly reminds us that we can let go of the Cursed Hows .... that is the job of the Universe. it is never our task to work out the how ....

the past two days have been very challenging for me - as I am in the midst of a family crisis .. of which - ta da! I am the focal point ... well, perhaps not the focal point exactly - but certainly the troublesome, will-not-play-the-game-properly part...

I have the suspicion that this whole drama is not entirely by chance. I do believe we call forth the precise things we need in order for us to choose out next step, the direction in which we currently want to move.

the direction is a moveable feast - one day we want to head west, and off we go - and then, ker-ching! we would really love to explore north, or south, or perhaps even NNW ...  we are curious .... or is that me projecting onto you? if so - I will claim it - I Am Curious ....

now, there is no 'What If' going on when I make that statement. I Am Curious ... I know this to be true. much of my life has been spent uncovering the Great Mystery of life, of how things tick, if they tick, why they tick, who made them tick ... you get the picture.

I can also say - I Am a Woman. no 'What If' pops up here, either. I know it to be true. swiftly skipping through the area of proving it - suffice to say that having produced two children, I am in no doubt about my gender.
hold on a moment! What If I had to look at that claim again - perhaps I should say that I Am Female. that is easy to prove .... What If being Female does not make one a Woman. I have a friend who can talk about that to you, and anyone else, for hours. so, if you would like to discuss the differences between female, woman and feminine, I will give you her contact details. I Am Curious - but not enough to listen to that particular conversation - my eyes kinda glaze over after a while when she gets going ...

I Am ....a daughter
I Am ....a mother
I Am ....a sister
I Am ....a grandmother

but, back to the What Ifs ...

What If my family are right, and I am not a nice person, deep down inside?

What If I am never going to be able to love unconditionally?

What If I do not have a heart? (I Am pretty sure I do, because it is breaking with this drama)

What If I do not rise to the occasion?

What If there is something I have to say that will help another, and I never say it?

What If I let the fear of what other people think, to hold me back?

What If I let fear hold me back from ANYTHING?

What If I hide my light under a bushel, rather than risk scorn or laughter?

What If I judge my Self so harshly that I never do what I came here to do?

The Cursed What If ......

that damned Cursed What If that I have given so much power over the years...
that damned Cursed What If that has got me stuck so often

Well ...

let's see if I can turn this around ....

What If ...I relaxed, focused on what I want in life, and walk or work towards it?

What If ...I came here to do something BIG ....and I did it?

What If ,,,it is my birthright to be magnificent, amazing, intuitive, sensitive, caring?

What If ....people enjoy it when I share what I know?

What If ... I loved all my work ... and it mattered me ..and to others too?

What If friends are right ... that I have something worth sharing with the world?

What If... I Am supposed to impart all the knowledge I have?

What If ... I live a life that is wonderful beyond compare?

What If ... there is a light within me that I release and allow to glow?

What If ......I claimed a Sacred What If ......?

ah - the Sacred What Ifs .....


Monday, 19 September 2011

being here

there is a reason for being here. whether we fathom it out or not ... the reason - or reasons - still exist.

I have a suspicion that it is a many faceted story. we are here to learn and grow and share and be selfish and be selfless. all of it.

and I believe that there is an underlying reason - to find the way to be happy - despite all the challenges and heartaches we endure. finding our way to happiness, no matter what

this is, in my very seldom humble opinion, the main objective ... to find peace and harmony and joy within the maelstrom that is life on earth

I am sure it can be done. I would love to be able to master it. when I was younger, I would struggle for days or weeks and sometimes even months, to get through some pain, some hurt, or some perceived slight by another - especially if I felt that I was being invalidated and not 'seen' or 'heard'

slowly it gets better. I can almost process my way through some hurtful stuff in an hour, or an afternoon ... depending on what has happened and how good and resilient I am feeling

and seldom do I do it alone. I am blessed to have wonderful friends who can hear me and understand me and can remind me of what I have temporarily forgotten

and that makes me happy ...

which is the main aim of my journey ....


is there a better aim, I wonder


Sunday, 28 August 2011

telling a new story

I am guilty! I admit to the crime!

I have told the story of what I do not want and what does not work for me, so often now, that it almost became true.

I focused on what I did not want to the point that it almost manifested and in the process, I became Soul-weary!

I concocted a drama and told the story so often that I almost drowned in the telling of it!

No more. and the next time you hear me tell the story of what I do not want, please feel free to hit me over the head with a wet fish.
no ... wait a minute - why should the fish suffer?

ok - just ask me how true my story really is - ask me if it is true or is it me being a drama queen and wallowing in a drama of my own making?


so if you hear any of these stories arise - call me on it ...

I am not good enough

I am a victim of .....

I am just ...

I am only....

I cannot...

I should...

I must...

I am not worthy of ....

Others are better than me...

I have no special skills...

I have no special talent ...

call me on it - please ... I beg of you

because for sure as sure can be  - I am gonna call YOU on it if you say anything similar!

no place to hide - no more mr nice guy

no more discounting or invalidating.....

not me - not you!

you have been begged ... and you have been warned

I am going to be listening

I am going to be listening for the new story.

the one where we acknowledge who we are ...

I am writing my new story

and I am going to be listening for yours


Thursday, 28 July 2011

living life, with purpose

a few weeks ago, I somewhat foolishly decided to start training for a long distance run. foolish or not, having this aim has encouraged me to work hard when I go to gym. I have done at least 3 classes per week for three years now - and in the back of my mind has been this vague notion that I will get fit, flexible and thin ... if only I keep doing my regular gym classes.

it doesn't work like that. what happens is that complacency sets in and I start to coast along, not too much effort expended. having fun, chatting and chirping with others, and generally keeping myself from getting fatter. not actually losing weight, but keeping it contained ... with a little degree of success.

with this looming deadline for the race, I am having to be more focused about the training. and since I gabbed about it to everyone, I have to put my money where my mouth is, and show myself I can do it - or at least, try really hard to make it happen.

and so it is with my life. I have set myself a goal - a dream that I want to make into reality. having a purpose to work towards, is helping me to get done what needs to get done in order for all the pieces to fall into place.

I have a renewed sense of purpose. it is changing the way that I operate and negotiate myself on a daily basis. everything I do has an end goal in sight. even relaxing has got a purpose - to get me rejuvenated to tackle the next step. trust me, I factor in the relaxation - because it is very important to me. I do not want to look back on my life and see that all I did was work hard. not at all. I intend having heaps of wonderful moments to look back on, and the only way that can happen is if I create those happy moments - in the moment.

have you considered where you are going?

have you thought about what you are doing?

where are you heading? what are you doing each day to get you to that destination, that payoff moment?

and how much time are you allowing yourself to rest, and wallow in the joy of the moment?

it is my aim to achieve my goals. and I have every intention of making the journey as much fun as possible.

make your journey fun, too...

it is worth it!

ah. one more thing on my journey done. I wrote about living with purpose. living on purpose.

therefore, it must be time to have a moment of rest with a delicious glass of juice

simple, really

really really simple ....

have a wonderful day ....


Monday, 25 July 2011

your power

I got a call from a friend a few days ago to update me about her cancer and the treatment. her first comment had me giggling - she says her oncologist is a complete wally and a fool! she is obviously not one to put others on a pedestal.

what I found so engaging about her story is that she decides for her Self, what treatments she will have - and which treatments she rejects without a second thought.
and the best part, for me, is that she knows exactly who holds the power in this scenario. not the doctor. not the cancer. not the treatment. she holds the power.

if she intuitively feels that the proposed treatment is not for her, she says no thank you, and moves on. this woman knows that she has to live her life in the way she knows best - and just because others may benefit from a particular treatment, does not mean it is the best option for her.

she would far rather be at home, getting dirty from head to toe in the garden, than investing her time in anything that does not resonate with her.
she is just doing what she feels like doing in any moment.

we all have a lot to learn from people like my friend. so many of us listen to the voices of 'authority' and follow instructions without thinking for our Selves

my friend is listening to her Higher Self - using her internal sense of authority to steer her way through this challenge. I am so appreciative of the lesson I am learning from observing her,

it is said that we learn best from experience - I have no desire to learn any lessons by getting a life-threatening disease - I am prepared to learn by observing and understanding and "getting" what she is teaching so subtly.

long may she live - and even longer, may the lessons she is teaching all of us reverberate across the planet.


Thursday, 21 July 2011

I love the Universe

I love the way the Universe is supporting me.

I love the way it has always supported me.

History shows that I am always safe and happy – and no matter what comes my way, I am strong enough and resilient enough to manage all that I need to manage.

I am resourceful and creative. I allow all good things to flow to me.

I am here because I chose to be here – to have the experiences that I want to have and to be with all the other beautiful Souls on the planet at this time

I know that I am not restricted within my body – I know that in the moments I choose to do so, I am able to connect with the other realms that abound. 
I also respect the information I get when I connect to others – I do not doubt it or judge it – I know that I am given all the information that I require to live a full and rich life.

I have great respect for the part I am playing on this planet. No longer do I underestimate the power that lies within me – and lies within every single Soul – we are all equal. I am no more than nor less than another.

I love the way that as I take a step, the path opens before me. I love that my path is strewn with wonderful people and awesome moments …and that every moment is awesome.

I love to hear the stories that others have to tell about their lives – and how I can either relate it to something I have done before, or to put on my list of things to still do

I love knowing that there are times when I can be bouncy and noisy and sparkly and sparky – and that there are times when I can be quiet and contemplative

I love knowing that all I need for every journey I ever wish to undertake is at my fingertips – that within a heartbeat I can change direction and know that I am never lost

I love the feeling of being connected to others. I love that I can feel their pain, their joys, their sorrows .. even if only for a fleeting second 

I love being alive

I love that I have this space in which to share my thoughts and excitement.

I love … so many things …and I am certain that I could write for hours about all the things I appreciate

I love

I just love


Friday, 8 July 2011

imagine that!

today I did something that I keep forgetting that I no longer need to do! I chose to have a tarot reading. from a complete stranger. I had no idea of her abilities - it was just a random moment walking through the town and seeing the chance, and taking it

nothing came up that I did not know, had not decided, had not heard before. what did happen, though, is that I got confirmation that I am doing exactly the right thing for me. now.

I interpreted the cards a little differently from her. where she was seeing things that could be construed as negative, were extremely positive from where I was looking. I saw a little spark on one card and she said I should be careful - whereas I saw the spark as the ignition of the flame of my idea ... interesting how we see things differently from other vantage points. and I have to trust my own perspective.

every day, I confirm how Divinely Guarded and Guided I am ... and others are learning as they watch my ability to make manifest that which I desire for my life, so I have to trust my own inner voice far more than the voice of another.

after the reading, she asked if I would like to take a card from one of the many decks she had - just to confirm things for me ... or just for the fun of it.
I chose the unicorn pack ... because of a clip I saw recently on you-tube about seeing unicorns - even when others think they are mythical creatures...
and I got the card with the word ...imagine ...

it is the word I have wanted to have tattooed onto my arm. I love how much I am loved by the Universe!

imagine how awesome and wondrous life always is

imagine what sheer joy feels like

imagine how it will be when you live your dream

imagine how much love there is in the world

imagine being



Sunday, 3 July 2011

new energy

I recently travelled to the other side of the world, and for the first week or so felt that I had no clue where I was. not a disoriented feeling.
just not quite here and not quite there.
I had the chance to see some gemstones and crystals that I am not familiar with, and shared with the lady who was selling them, this feeling of not being quite sure where I am. and predictably got the feedback that I needed to be grounded. and I knew that she was wrong - it was a much more complex or much more simple thing.

I have also been aware of myself going through a process. which often happens when I am not at home, when I am away having a holiday. I often thought it was to do with removing myself from the energies of familiarity, but last night realised that the reason it happens when I am travelling, is because I have very few responsibilities. all the have-to-do things are still at home, and I am away from it all.

I tried to describe the images I have been seeing in my minds eye - and it has been difficult to do so, since I have not experienced anything like it before, and it seems somewhat surreal.

it is as if I am going through a birthing process, unlike anything I have ever experienced. it seemed as if I was emerging from a jellylike substance, a thick yellow gel, and I know that as I emerge, I come out very clean - no residue, nothing from that place is lingering or coming with me - it is as if I am brand new, squeaky clean.

when one peels fruit or vegetables, there always seems to be pieces of fruit on the peel, and pieces of peel on the fruit - with this imagery in my head, there is none of that - this is a very clean and clear process. as if it is a complete separation

and in the new space, there is lightness, easiness, freedom, space to expand more easily. more room to breathe.

there are a few questions running through my mind about it - I have heard talk of shifting - from 3D to 5D and have never resonated with it ...but perhaps this is relevant?

I have also made a decision to leave my job at the end of the year - and if this is symbolic of that decision, then only being partway born (it is as if I am mostly complete with the process - that only my ankles and feet are yet to emerge.) makes some sense - I have decided to leave, and at this point still am entrenched in the job for a few more months.

whatever this is all about will become clear to me at another stage

for now I accept that the new life I am envisioning for myself has to come into being - and this may be how it is evolving ....

all is well, and I am forever Divinely Guarded and Guided ...and I am most appreciative ........


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

todays energy is for today

we get pretty much unlimited energy to spend in one day. it seems to flow unendingly from somewhere.... and I believe we are supposed to use all of it each day. we do, however, quite often choose to ignore it and become idle for a few hours .... probably in order to catch our breath before we launch into the next phase of being and doing ....

and we invest it in the future in the form of worrying about things that may never come to pass, and awaiting test results that will come, whether we worry about them or not. we humans are funny.

and then, we invest some of it in the past.

we mourn things that are gone. we stress about what we said, how we looked, what foolish things we did, and we also invest heaps more in misery about who said what to us, who did what to us, how we were abused, hurt, gossiped about. we wonder if we will ever be as happy as we were when .... (fill in blank) we invest todays energy in what we could have, should have, would have done ...if only ....

there is a different way to view the past. one that frees up more of todays energy so that we can use it today! now.

all that we are today is based on all the pieces that came together to form the picture, it is as if we are a jigsaw  puzzle of many pieces.

some from today.

some blank ones which we will paint when the time comes.

some from our past.

however, those pieces from the past that are still emotionally charged, the ones which still hurt us, or push our buttons, or still bring tears and heartache - it is as if we have decorated those pieces with embellishments, like the ones you can buy in craft shops. studded. pierced. shiny. glittery. with bells and whistles.

those are the pieces that often stop us from moving forward. those are the pieces that we focus on so much, to the detriment of our future pieces. it is as if some of our blank pieces are already coloured with what has gone before.

take some time to get those sadness-infused pieces to be more like the others. let go of the extras that decorate them and make them show up so brightly that the now and the future is masked.

those added features are no longer necessary - the decorations were there to alert us to the fact that 'this is important - there are lessons for you to learn here, gifts to uncover'  ...... and it is now a great time to get those pieces to lose their importance, their glitz and glamour that distracts  - the bling....

find the way for you to view all the past pieces with equality...... once upon a time I had a little dog called Scooter. once upon a time I had a teacher called Miss Smith. once upon a time I had a granny who baked lovely cakes. once upon a time I was raped. once upon a time, I won a bar of chocolate in a raffle.

when you can look back at all the pieces of the past, and they are no longer a distraction from today, that is when you know that all of todays energy can be invested in you and what makes your heart sing, today.

not investing that energy in the past. not investing the energy in the future. using it all for now ...because now is all we really have. it is a phrase that seems to be constantly repeated ...and it is because it is true. now is all we have.

have a look at the jigsaw puzzle that is you. how many sparkly shiny things are on the ones from your past? if they are distracting you from being fully present in this moment, in now, then change the picture.

it is said that it is never too late to have a happy childhood

so many people are willing and able to help you with the work you may need to do, to ensure that the pieces you are painting today are as bright and happy as you would like them to be. and that the blank ones of your future are just that, blank .... a canvas ready for the artist to appear .....

take back your energy and power into this moment. where it truly belongs. so that you can dance and sing and play and bounce and pray and love and live and share and soar and fly

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

angels within ....

there is a time when we can be in amongst many people, listening to the hustle and bustle of city noises. and there is a time to be quieter. to listen carefully to the birds that call

there is a sense of timelessness in that quiet space. the place where one is aware of the flowing of the rivers. the waxing and waning of the moon.

and the chance to hear the inner voices. the ones that are there to support and guide.

and when those voices speak to you, and you listen, what are they saying to you?

are they encouraging you to follow your dreams? are they telling you how wonderful you are? are they helping you to see all the ways that you can display your magnificence to the world, and yourself?

are they reassuring you that no matter what is happening around you, to the ones you Love and hold dear, that all is working out perfectly? are they helping you to get clarity?

are they giving you hints of what is to come? do you feel their presence beside you? when you close your beautiful eyes, do you see them?

these are the Angels within ... the ones who come to be of service to you. because they love you. no matter what. they reside in a space of non-judgment .... whatever you choose to do, they stay beside you.

talk to them. get to know them.  become aware of how they communicate with you

they are a part of Who You Are

they are the greatest of all blessings


follow your heart....

with them in your life, you are never alone


Monday, 27 June 2011

being the glue

some years ago, a friend of mine had an early appointment in town, and in order to comply with her husbands wishes that he not be disturbed, she crept quietly out of bed, headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day, and left the house.

she took the one hour train journey into the city, and headed for the office.

before she got that far, her daughter rang her, saying - I think there is something wrong with Dad, I don't think he is alive.

wow. now for the train journey home again, millions of questions running through her head. and then discovering that almost certainly, he had passed during the night. while she was still in the room. before her quiet preparation for her day ahead.

this friend had married early in life, and had been so 'well-behaved' as a child, a wife, a mother, that she had been feeling that life had passed her by. and suddenly, she was free to do whatever she wanted to do - no restrictions!

suffice to say that she started exploring all sorts of avenues ..... which was of great concern to some of her friends who wanted to wrap her in cotton-wool and keep her 'safe'.

when I was asked to become part of the 'worry' group, I declined. my answer was that all we are required to do in this sort of case, is to stand by - and rejoice in her happiness, and use our loving superglue if things went badly.... that is what friends are for - not to stop the exploration!

a few days back, another friend asked for support in her family challenge - her young son was heading into a life that was not what had been expected for him. all the support, and education, and family love was shunned in order to explore the darker side of life.

and all I could suggest was the same advice - this Soul came onto the planet to have an experience explore things... and that we need to trust that his Soul knows what is best for him. he knows the path he wants to travel. he wisely chose a good family to be born into - so that if things go in a way that does not work for him, he will still have a loving mum at home ... ready to welcome back the Soul who is her son. and ready to use the superglue that she holds in her heart, if he needs it.

as for me - all I can do is watch and observe as she meets her challenge of letting her son go his own way in life, and have superglue ready if it is required.

for me, this is what life is all about - exploring new things - some may want to label them as good or bad - but for me - it is exploration of experiences .....

and if we are able, then to also be the ones who hold the superglue in our Hearts ..that superglue called Love ... abundant supplies for whenever another asks for it ....

I AM the explorer ....

I AM also the glue....


Friday, 24 June 2011

sunshine and rain

good morning sunshine.... and you do understand that the rain is just as beautiful as the sunshine you greet today?

sunshine, rain, snow - all part of the wonderful tapestry that is life on this planet.

and you came here because you wanted the experiences that are on offer.

you have encountered quite a lot of superciliousness today on your facebook wall - some folk out there pretending to be better than others and making snide remarks. telling others not to preach, and yet obviously standing on a soapbox, preaching about not preaching. judging and saying do not judge.

facetiousness, sarcasm, snide remarks. you have been shown the side of the coin that you no longer wish to experience. and yet ...did you see the love and appreciation too? so why is your focus on this other stuff - why has it pushed your button, albeit very gently - what is going on inside you that is making you so uncomfortable in the space of un-love?

it is the reminder of how you once were. that was once you. well, not exactly you, but what you presented to the world - your prickly exterior which you thought was your armour ... that no-one could pierce - where you thought you would be safe.

and then you met love. and knew that all that had gone before was such an empty shell of who you really are.

that old way of being brings up so much drama and anger and well, explosions inside. and you have found it to be too difficult a path to follow. you confused it with a sense of powerfulness, that no-one could ever harm you. and now you see how detrimental it all was for you...and yet not. because it allows you to move forward knowing that there is a way of being that you no longer wish to participate in. a way of being that no longer serves you

so. little miss sunshine, stride into this day knowing that it is a day for transformation. knowing that more deeply today, you understand the power of love. the power of knowing that all things, each and every single moment, is created in perfection. so much for you to learn. so much for you to display to others so that they may be reminded of their own perfection

move into the day with this immense love that you know is inside you and is raining down on you.


Thursday, 23 June 2011


little one ..yes today we refer to you as little one as you survey the task ahead as large - and we want you to know that you can do anything it is you want to do - the most difficult challenge you can ever set for yourself is to walk away from your Self. that dear one is the only difficulty that could lie ahead for you - it is not what you planned, and yet it is not impossible for you to write it into the script of your life
of course we know as well as you do, that it is not something you will choose to do - we merely remind you that the option will always be there
nothing is too big for you - there is always going to be the bridges and pathways and helpers and support systems surrounding you - it can never be any other way.  to think otherwise infers separation and you know that you are individual but not separate.
swimming against the tide is the hard way to do things. always remember to turn your canoe downstream so that you may still journey more effortlessly. whichever route you choose will get you where you are going. one can go to Rome via China, or America, or Iceland. but if it is Rome you are heading to, why not take the most direct and effortless route? the destination will always be there - the journey is the main event, so make it an enjoyable one for you
as you do so, your light will shine more brightly, your heart will love more deeply, and your appreciation of everything that happens will be magnified since it is not covered over with stress and struggle. choose the road that feels good.
you work hard. you always have. you have not often given yourself the credit for it - but others see. and others know what a difference you make in their lives and the lives of others. that is what your journey is about. connecting with others and reminding them of their Divinity. their Authenticity. that is the real journey. Rome, not so much the issue after all - we love your smile and laughter now - that is what it is all about. the smile tells us that you know and understand.
everything is all perfect - on every level. we know how difficult it can be at times when you are in physical to remember that intrinsically you are Spirit, you are Us, you are Everything and Everyone. whenever it seems that the going is tougher than you would like it to be, throw off the blanket of stress that you cover yourself with, and remember who you truly are. remember that smile a moment ago - that laughter when you remembered You and your Journey and your Life purpose ...always come back to that laughter.
sweet angel on the planet. we surround you with a layer of silver and gold - we know how precious those layers are to you. let them cloak you with the Love and Guidance you know and love so much. and remember that although you connect with this stream of consciousness from Sha'men, it is not an intelligence outside of yourself. it is You!

always remember that ...

you are listening to that soft whisper within ....

because you are All


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Prostitute Archetype

I decided to become single after almost 25 years of marriage. When I did so, I got a lot of criticism from colleagues who thought my husband was such a nice man. He is. But there were far too many challenges within the relationship and my Soul wanted out.
The colleagues were also unhappily married. And as I became happier and more self-confident, I seemed to highlight for them that their choice to stay with their spouses was leading them into more and more misery. So, the back-stabbing began.
When I asked them why they stayed with their abusive partners, I was told they were doing it because of the money - they enjoyed being supported and also getting in some pocket money by working half day at the office.

Some years later, things really went badly financially for the most outspoken of the women. I then asked her why she was still staying in the marriage, and now the answer changed to - because there is no money and I cannot afford to rent a place for myself on my small income.

This woman is displaying the Archetype of the Prostitute ....and the consequences of playing this role. First she stayed for the money. Then she had to stay because there was no money for making new choices.
I believe she has choices, but she cannot see them.

I am so appreciative of the opportunity that I have had, watching this scenario unfold, and allowing me to learn the lesson without going through the actual experience myself,

Never again will I 'stay' for the money. Never will I sell my Soul for the cash. I have seen it bring this woman to her knees - not only in grief, but also into the role of the Beggar.

Thank you to my Guides and Guardians - for giving me the insight into another's  plight, so that I may choose a path that is very different. I will take the lesson and use it in my own life.

Thank you ...


Friday, 10 June 2011

Angels amassing

I am being asked by my Guides to record some stuff here which will not make much sense to anyone - except me - eventually  - I hope .

you have noticed the Angel presence today. they have been trying to attract your attention for some days now. thank you for noticing them now ...
rising columns.
dusty roads
tremendous power
eddies of energy and colour
the rebuilding of your Heart
the expansion of your Soul
reprogramming of your DNA
Riders on the Storm
generosity of Spirit
supernatural powers
historical influences
bluebird - mythical creature

no need to decipher what is happening right now ... all will be clear shortly.

Sha'men are here ...



this new day has dawned and within it you will find many moments of celebration. all days are like this. it is just that sometimes we forget to look for the lovely stuff. for the things that makes your heart sing.
you have arrived at that moment in your life when you are embracing all that is lovely and fulfilling and inspiring.
you can choose to focus on troubles and difficulties -  just as easily as you can focus on joy. it is your choice.

live. it is why you are here. if you had not chosen to embrace the physical plane, you would not be here. you came here to have this experience. drench yourself in them. always being focused on what puts the biggest smile on your face.


Thursday, 9 June 2011


as you notice the sun setting in the sky and dipping behind the mountain, remember that the sun is setting on a certain part of your life now.
you have made a choice to allow the Universe and yourself to support you. it is a decision that you have mulled over for quite some time - and we remind you again that the right time is the time you make the choice - it can never be the wrong time to make any decision. you know that you are a spontaneous, free-spirited Being, and despite this inner nature, you have had to wait until all the pieces of the jigsaw made sense to you before you could make this mind-shift.
rejoice. revel in the freedom that your decision evokes in you. and look no longer for the bucket of fear that the Old You would be dipping into . it is part of the past. the process of accepting the New into your life is largely completed. you do still remember the Old ....and like any other relationship that is gone and past and was not much fun anyway, it is also disappearing over the horizon. you no longer have any use for the old you ... and not too long from now you will wonder how you ever managed to deal with things the way you did.

you are amazing. you have endured all sorts of hardship. it may not look like it to others, because it is not so much on a physical level. you have endured so much on an emotional level, and because you are of a sunny disposition, you have not always allowed people to see what is going on underneath the surface.

it is like a duck on the water - looks like it is floating along effortlessly, when indeed there is much going on below the surface.

wow - again we say that you are so amazing. the hills you have climbed are so much higher than the highest mountain on your planet. you are now standing on the summit, looking around at all that is on offer around you, and just wondering what it is that you really want to do. we say that your choices are unlimited. just as you have not yet deciphered all the info we gave you last week, so you also cannot at this point comprehend what the script is that you have written. this will gradually make itself very clear to you, and you will be in awe of it.
write down all of what you know will make your heart sing. write it on little pieces of paper and put them in a balloon. you will know the exact moment that you need to release that balloon to the open skies ....and yes - those goosebumps you felt now when you got that message - that shift in the solar plexus - you know it  is because Open Skies has much to do with your next shift. remember this dear one - Open Skies....

oh beloved one - we treasure the chance to work with you. if we were able to be, we would be overwhelmed ...
we thank you so much for committing to work with us each and every day in this way - it allows us the chance to get our message to you much more clearly.

fly little bird - into those Open Skies .... we are ready and the sun is rising in your new life

Blessed Be ..


Wednesday, 8 June 2011


the path before you is not as clear as you may want it - and there is a reason for this. if you could see every step ahead for the next.. however many years... you may get to feel that you wanted a more exciting or a more quiet life, and then make decisions to change the way things look up ahead.
you need not be concerned about this. the path is just exactly what you want and require for your growth. it is neither too boring and bland, or so excitement driven that you are in a whirlwind all the time. it is like the meal for baby bear - just right. just perfect. not too hot. not too cold. not too salty. not too sweet. just right.

remember to live in the Now - there is no other time. or space. Now is all you have. we understand that there is some need for humans to plan ahead - and indeed, much food would not be available if plans were not made about planting and watering .... but remember you need only do this major planning because there are so many of you on the planet - nature intended to feed and nurture the people within the area in which they could range for food that was readily and naturally available. that has changed due to the dramatic increase in numbers.
so, make whatever plans you need to make for provisions to be ready to feed and support you, but remember not to do it at the cost of forgetting to live in the moment.
wake up each day knowing that if you are listening to the wisdom within you, you will make the choices that you need to make for the day.
allow us to take care of some details for you. do not try to engineer and control everything. that would exhaust you and rob you of the precious time you have for having an enjoyable life. hand some of it over to us. it is why we are here and why you are connecting with us. you are asking for the guidance. this is your guidance. no flowery words. no prose that people can quote for decades to come. just trust us.

you know you can...

trust us

and you know you can....

do anything your heart desires.

trust us .....

and trust your Self.

Blessed Be


Tuesday, 7 June 2011


dear one - we want to say to you that as you flex and stretch your muscles at gym in order to improve your fitness and to reach the goal you have set for yourself, so you are stretching and flexing your spiritual life in order for you to reach the goal that you have set for yourself. and just as you have a support system at the gym so you have a support system in us.
we know the subject
we know your Hearts desire and goal
we know how to help you to achieve this
all you have to do is to continue what it is you are doing
you are calling forth all the resources you need
you are doing this so well and so effortlessly

all we add today for you is to stand tall - allow your Heart to constantly be sending and receiving Love.

you have seen the responses from those who love to see you happy and glowing. it allows them to go on with their day, feeling uplifted by your response to them
that is all you have to do
be that opportunity for others to see that they can choose how to set the tone of their day too

we also notice that you are feeling more relaxed now that you have decided about your life. that joy you feel inside is how you are born to be. you are making manifest the life you chose.
we acknowledge that you feel you should not have taken so long, and like you we do not like the use of the word should
all is happening in its perfect Divine Order. it cannot be otherwise.
and we hear you asking for a message that you can share with others today ...

be bold and be brave and fearless, since at no time is there anything worthy of the investment of time in fear.
be faithful to what you know to be the right path for you at this time
allow the beautiful colours of the Universe to swirl around you to inspire and to support you. breathe it in and allow it to infuse every cell in your body and every aspect of your aura and Being. the colours are energy Beings that come to assist you and your growth
you know this to be true because of the choices you made many years ago - when you chose to have colour instead of black and white - or neutral - you KNEW how important colour is to you ... you sensed it, you spoke of it - and now you know why you surround yourself with so many colours - they are the Beings of Light who come to play with you.
dearest Beloved, beautiful One ..... breathe in the colours ... each day ...and watch how quickly your life unfolds before you....

blessed be ...


Sunday, 8 May 2011

taking steps ....

Once upon a time.... when we were little .... those of us who blessed with the ability to do so, learned to crawl and then walk.

For months we lay around, having a look the this world, and trying to figure out how it all functions - and just how much or how little of it revolves around us. Eventually, curiosity got the better of us and we decided to do some exploring. We had pretty much tasted everything we had managed to get a hold of ... each and every thing - much to parents distress at times, went straight into the mouth. And generally, we did not die because of it. Luckily.

Then came the day ... there we lay, on our belly - on the floor - and just out of reach was the very thing we wanted to play with or investigate, and somehow we managed to wriggle our little body towards this great treasure. Success. Now we own the whole world. things are there and we can reach them ... with some effort, yes ...but mostly, we can reach them.

Of course, that belly crawling did not satisfy our curiosity for long. So much more to see and do and touch and play with, and sometimes just out of reach. We noticed that the big people could walk. They seemed to rise up like giants, put one foot ahead of the other, repeat the procedure ...and they got to places we could not get to .....

Surely, we thought, surely we can do that too?

And so it began - the striving for the ability to stand upright and do that thing that people kept mentioning - walking. Is he / she walking yet? Has your little one learned to walk?
A week ... two weeks ...perhaps a month ...and then it happened ...standing without falling and then managing to cover ground - on two little feet - often on tippy toes - but walking nonetheless! Champions at movement!!

Years have passed. the whole process is largely taken for granted.

New challenges come our way - and often we are wary of taking the next step. How can that be? Did we not manage to take steps when we were still knee-high to grass-hoppers? How can taking a new step now possibly scare or daunt us - are we not absolutely amazing? We arrived on the planet not being able to even support the weight of our own heads - and within months we were mobile and running!

Our next step is flying - not the flapping wings soaring in the sky thing - flying - in our lives, in our careers, in our chosen paths. In our relationships. Everywhere.

As tiny tots we learned how to walk and talk. Surely anything else is easy in comparison?

Sure hope so ... because I have steps ahead of me that I need to take - and if a baby can learn to walk ... I can do anything!

So can you ......

I dare you ......


Saturday, 7 May 2011

7.5.11 #2

and so it seems that you are ready to channel the info you are awaiting. we are her to oblige and facilitate. now relax as you let go of all those things that have worried you unnecessarily for weeks now. let it go. it is no longer of importance - if ever it were. you came to the room to heal the room so get to it dear one. simply surrender to the Divine within and trust as you always do that all is well no matter how it may look. you cannot get it wrong.

you have been unable to breathe of late. we understand. you have taken on more than is your burden to carry. lay it down now and allow the breath of life to enter every part of your lungs

Sha'men - is how the name sounds that you can use to communicate and call on us - but you already know that you do not need a name - a box to put us in. we are here at all times to serve you and those who will engage with you for the light you can help them to find. you are as you know a way sharer and a light house - it is your chosen path
we are ready to start working with you as you accept the words we are giving you
let it be known that all across the planet there are those like you who are helping with this task

so many are confused by all the information that is now so readily available on all your internet and books and tv. not all are able to discern which is of use to them and which are there to confuse them

you have the gift of clarity to share with them to help them to engage their sense of discernment

to help them to see through all the gobbledy-gook that is out there

you are very quick to pick up for yourself what is truth and what is not

you have chosen to work on this planet in a way that allows others to know their truth without having to get confused by all that is available.
you can cut through all the nonsense.
just as you explained to your friend today about the pendulums.
we all have the capacity to do everything.
the mystique around many subjects is there unnecessarily. the days of mystery schools are over.
it is now feasible for anyone to learn anything at all. even those who come onto the planet with seeming challenges like Autism and Downs - you now understand that they are in no way defective but are amazingly effective for those who choose to learn what they have come here to teach. they have come to shift us all - if we care to take note.
we will say more later



<<< Ali we are here because you have called us forth. there is nothing we cannot do to help you in your lifes mission but understand that there is much you need to do too. you wrote your script and you can choose to abdicate from the path or you can dig deep and find that inner strength and joy that we support, to allow you to fulfil what it is that YOUR Soul desires. We see you. we hear you and many is the time that we have answered your call and you know that. You also know that many times you have been too timid to make the steps, but trust us when we say that the time is right now - right now. we have helped you to call forth those who wish to work with you on this earth plane so be bold and do it. so little effort is needed - only the Yes from your heart. everything will flow so amazingly well that your jaw will hang open with delight and surprise - and those who are watching you will be in awe. you came here to lead and those who want to follow you are getting desperate for you to step up to the plate, and take the shot. that is all you have to do dear one- one or two steps, lift the bat - and focus on what is coming towards you. simple, Ali - really simple. no need to be afraid of success - it is what you came here to do and be. everything else so far has been a distraction - and you know how much you want this - every fibre in your being is telling you - so listen. We hold your hand and rejoice with you. relax dear one - when you were little you learned to walk ...first you lay around and then you crawled - you were so curious about the wider world. this is no different - you are curious. you have crawled and just one more step and you will be flying - amazing isnt it? I am here and you will hear my name soon. listen for it.>>>


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Love is all there is

Love is all there is. That is it. Nothing more to say. Love is all there is.

My brother has decided that he will no longer visit our very frail, gentle old Dad - because he mistakenly believes he is no longer named in the Will as an heir. I have an idea of how he came to believe this misinformation - and despite my assurance that the information he is assuming is incorrect, he is choosing to ignore my letters telling him how much Dad wants to see him, how much Dad misses him.
At the outset here, I want to say that I understand my brothers feelings - if it were true that he was removed from the Will, I can certainly understand how that would be very hurtful. However, he is punishing himself and our Dad for no valid reason.
I have struggled over this issue for months now. Dad is so saddened and hurt that he asked me to call the lawyer in so that he could lash back by rewriting the Will, excluding his son. I explained that I felt that he only wanted to do that because he Loves his son so much and is hurting because of his absence, not because he hates him.
I said that if he needs me to call the lawyer to take that drastic action, then he needs to put it in writing for me, so that I am sure that he knows exactly what he is doing and why ... Dad cannot call the lawyer himself as he is too deaf to use the phone.
My moods and thoughts swing so much on this issue. Surely one does not equate Love and Inheritance? When Dad had his stroke, I used to visit him more than twice a day ... it took years before I could find it possible to give myself a day off from visiting him - I would hate to be in his situation, with none of my offspring or family visiting me. I do for my Dad what I would appreciate someone doing for me if I was incapacitated. My dad was always - and I mean always - available for us. No matter the time of day. No matter what needed doing. Fix a tap? Sure. Drive us somewhere? No problem. Borrow some cash. Its a pleasure.
My Dad is awesome. He is frail, forgetful, old, hard of hearing ....but he is my Dad and I love him beyond measure.I cannot imagine Loving him less if he was poor or homeless or a beggar on the street. I love my Dad because he is the one I chose as my dad. He is part of the path I chose. And I have to find a way to be at peace with the path he and my brother have chosen.
My sadness stems from the loss of their relationship - there is not much time left for my Dad and brother to enjoy each others company.
I am also sad because I no longer get to have a real relationship with Dad - all our interactions now are to do with explaining where my brother is, and why he is choosing to ignore him. Son is the main focus in his life now. All I do is answer the eternal questions  ..  have you heard from him? have you seen him? why did he not come to say happy birthday to me for my 89th? it was a weekend, not a work day - surely he could have found a few minutes. I have lost a lot of my connection to Dad ... it is all about my brother now - and his absence.
Ah well, we all choose our paths .... and I will eventually understand what this part of my journey is all about. I know for sure that when Dad transitions, all will be clear to him, and he will understand.
For now, I just hope that there are days when the conversation will have some other topics.
In the meantime, all I can do is Love my Dad and Love my brother. And be respectful of the paths they have chosen to walk.

When all is said and done, Love is all there is ...


Sunday, 24 April 2011

Hate is Fear based ....

I want to thank Spirit Most High - and my angelic crew for all the Love and support they shower upon me every single day. It is almost breathtaking, how divinely guarded and guided I am
so often I have plans to do things, and they do not turn out the way I envisaged - and yet never do I get it wrong
I listen. I look for every single small sign. I allow even the littlest sign become significant.
Today I read a line that really hit home for me - rather to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not ...
and I understood in that moment that I have no idea how to hate any more - I am sure I did plenty of it in my time - mainly hating me and my name and the things I was choosing to do - and yet each thing helped to forge me into the BEing I Am now.
Hatred uses up heaps of energy. How is it that there is so much energy in the Universe that some can choose to squander it in that way. It robs one of joy ...and who wants less joy in their life, I wonder?
Then I have to come back to the start of this - even the hating I did in the past, formed me. I see the value in it now, and therefore cannot sit in judgement of another who wishes to spend the time here on this planet, hating things.
And I wonder, where would we be if we were all operating from a place of Love instead? For sure, that hating thing is based in Fear .......

Sunday, 3 April 2011

being single

there are times that I find it a challenge, being single. I get tired of doing all the driving, all the decision making, all the plans .....

there are times I love it, being single. I get to do all the driving, decide everything, make all the plans ....

the past week, which bracketed my Birthday, has been a roller coaster of emotions. many highs. many lows as I got back into balance ...

Friday night, I ignored my commitment to a course I signed up for ... and followed where my Soul wanted to go

I headed for a beautiful restaurant overlooking the Hout Bay harbour. sun was setting and as it did so, the lights were reflecting off the calm seawater. magical.

a local musician, someone I had wanted to hear for months, was going to sing and entertain with his beautiful music and stunning lyrics....


pure magic - my Soul was dancing with the music  ... the words penetrated my Being...

I introduced myself to him - he has been a facebook friend for some time, and I had kept promising that one day, I would hear him singing .....

delightful man. warm hearted, soft, gentle, kind and tactile - I miss hugs, so when I get them, they are very meaningful! and to have this Soul reach out and hug me within moments of meeting, was very special. his generosity of Spirit is a lesson for me.

If I was not single, this moment may never have happened. Most people need advance warning about going out for the evening. I chose to do it within a heartbeat. being single allowed that level of spontaneity.

I write my script. being single is the script for now. it may last. it may not.

if ever you hear me complaining about being single, remember that I celebrate it far more than regret it ....

I love my space. I love my freedom .. to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want, as long as I want..

and, if that Magical One appears, then I will be just as happy to write the new script ...

for now .. I love being single


Saturday, 2 April 2011

sacred space for shifting

I am here to ...

my blog from a few days ago tells the story of my new understanding of my task on this planet.

because I am a contemplative sort of Being, I tend to ruminate ... a lot!

and during a chat with my friend Susie yesterday, I realized that not only do I hold the sacred space for those who are about to transition, but also for those in my midst who are making huge shifts - emotionally, spiritually, mentally. 

slowly but surely, I am beginning to understand Who I Am is unfolding slowly as I am ready to accept the enormity of it all.

I signed up. I am at peace with that.

I love the unfolding .....


Sunday, 27 March 2011

I am here to ...

For so many years I have been trying to uncover my reason for choosing to come to Earth, because I have not been very clear about my role in this lifetime.
I know that everything I have done and everything I do each day, is exactly what I came here to do - if ever I was supposed to do something else, I would have done so.

I did not get very involved in the Japanese disaster recently, because firstly, I seldom turn on the TV, so I did not get to see any live footage. I watched a 6 minute you tube clip - a very surreal 6 minutes - looked so much like a Hollywood production. The other reason for not making an effort to see some live footage, stems from not wanting to be focused on the drama and the trauma of it. I was criticized about this last week, and have contemplated the whole scenario for days and what follows is what I understand about me and my role on the planet.

For some weeks before the earthquake and tsunami, I seemed to be on an emotional rollercoaster. One Friday morning, I got ready to go to gym, and then was feeling so overwhelmed with emotion that I changed my mind, got almost ready for work - and then felt that I needed to sleep some more. There was only 40 minutes before I was due to leave, so I set the alarm for 30 minutes, climbed back into bed fully clothed and slept. Woke up with the alarm and went to work.
A colleague popped into my office shortly after I arrived and told me that Japan had suffered an earthquake. I said I knew that - it was old news - it had happened on Tuesday. No, she insisted - it was happening right now and there was also a tsunami. I went onto Facebook to show her the posts from the Tuesday, but she was adamant that there was a new huge quake with the huge wave ... people were dying!

Now, the odd thing for me was that I could suddenly breathe again - it was as if I had been holding my breath for weeks. Such a relief to breathe again. Of course, this made no real sense and I could not understand why the two things seemed to be connected for me.

On Friday morning, I sat down to meditate and pretty soon after I relaxed, I connected with an awesome energy - and I asked who it is? I was given the name Archangel Michael. Well, I will not bore you or myself with all the questions that popped up for me at that point - because for sure I have never connected with an Archangel before (that I recall, anyway) and of course I am so often skeptical when people say that they do - it is like well, if YOU say so  ... and my bullshit monitor ...oops I mean my discernment monitor goes completely wild - you just gotta be kidding yourself because you sure are not fooling ME! I am far too bright to fall for that sort of malarkey!!!

I sat with all that going through my head and eventually accepted what I was sensing, and I then I asked for some information about why AA Michael would want to connect with me?
I was told that my task is to be focused on the beauty, the magic, the joy, the blessings, the effervescence, the Love, the Peace, the harmony, the unfolding of all that is awesome and wonderful. That is my task ... to see the beauty in every single thing ... every. single. thing. No exceptions.

Me, being me, had to then ask about the Japan thing - and in an instant I felt nauseous and very ill, as if I wanted to purge my body of all that horror and pain and anguish .... and I felt as if I had been abandoned by that beautiful energy in that instant.

My reaction was - well, of course - that AA Michael stuff is just bullshit - all beauty and bliss, and then when I ask a "real" question about stuff on the planet, he just disappears.
However, since then I have been able to understand a whole lot more. Of course I was not abandoned. It was pointed out to me that what happened was that in order for me to connect to the trauma and drama, I have to change my vibrational frequency, which is what made me feel ill.
I have always had the opinion that we are not supposed to know everything that is happening on the planet at any given moment - that when we have the level of information that is flung at us daily, it becomes information overload at times. I still see some validity in this opinion.
I believe that about three months or so before we transition, we agree on Soul level that it is time - the actual 3 months may not be accurate, but we all know for sure that many people start saying goodbyes in many little ways which is only understood in hindsight after they die unexpectedly ... for us, unexpectedly ... not for them!

What I seem to connect to - and is borne out with the Japanese disaster, is that I am working with those Souls who are about to transition - in those days when all of a sudden they realise that they have agreed to go and are starting to say ...Oh my Hat! I am really going soon! ... I seem to connect with that energy and hold them in their sacred space as they make that shift!  THAT is my task .... THAT is part of why I am here ... I hold that sacred space for shifting. And that is why I could breathe again when the disaster happened and they shifted. My job was done. I had completed my task. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. Surely not every single one of us is there to stand by in horror as  disasters unfold? Surely there are folk like me who are performing a somewhat different task?

I reject the criticism that I am wrong in not sitting and weeping ... I see the joy, the beauty, the wonder, the awesome-ness of it all. If there was no-one falling, there would be no chance for another to offer a helping hand. It is all about balance (which is really quite funny when I am talking of falling LOL)... it is about those who help before, during and after the crisis. It is about some being distraught and others being able to radiate Love and support. I know that all is well. I know we are walking the precise path we have chosen. I know that no matter how it looks, there is balance in it all. Within the moment of crisis, there is opportunity for growth on a Spiritual level, and those who need to do the hand-holding, get the precise opportunity that they have called forth.

I am here to be Me. I am here to do what my intuition guides me to do. I cannot conform to what another thinks I "should" be doing. I know that I am not getting it wrong. I know that focussing on the beauty in every situation is what makes my Heart sing.

and I know for sure, that my task in this lifetime is to discover and uncover my Heart. And I am doing it perfectly .....

‎"If there were no beauty in the observer... then he would not find beauty outside. The mere fact that beauty is seen... proves that there is beauty already present in the state of being the observer" ~ Shantanand Saraswati


Monday, 14 March 2011

Goose .....Bird Card Reading

I am Finished ....I thank the overlighting consciousness of the goose for it's promise of rewards for my long labour, and I hear the applause.

Goose energy materialises wealth. The story of Jack and the Beanstalk, and the goose that lays the golden eggs, has this message implicit in it. It is wealth that has been earned through battling inner giants, that is materialised through the goose. Once the giant has been slain, the energy that up until now been locked up and unusable can pour forth into the world. This brings rich fruits in the form of both material and spiritual wealth.

If you are identifying with the goose as your symbol, then you have probably already experienced the rich harvest that goose energy can represent. Heaven has blessed you with visible effect. Slaying your own giant will have cost you a huge amount of tremendously focused inner effort - to overcome your fears and face the whole truth of yourself - but now that the goal has been reached, life pours that energy back into you with no effort on your part at all. Your friends may call you lucky, but you know better; perhaps only you and God knows quite what slaying that inner giant has really cost you, and you know that what is coming to you now is applause.

Drawing the goose card today signifies the end of a process. It is a triumph. At last you can rest. You are being told by means of this card, that your giant is overcome, and you can now look forward to a time of bountiful blessings and peace. Well done.

Gosh - what a startling card to pull yesterday evening.
I have battled inner giants. Many.

Heaven sure has blessed me beyond measure, and my friends do see me as lucky. I prefer the word blessed.

I am truly blessed.
I am Divinely Guarded and Guided every step of the way.
Even in my darkest hours, I have known - for sure - that it is all perfect. Just the way it is. It cannot be anything else.

Effortless pours things to me effortlessly.

It is a triumph and I do hear the applause.

The first line says it all - I am finished. I am done with the preparation. I have laid the foundations on which to build the life that I desire for me.
I have slain the Giant.

I honour and respect and thank the Giant for being in my Life. Without him and his family, I would not have evolved into Me.

The Giant has made way for me to be fully with my God. That is the big G for me. I retract the capital letter from giant and assign it elsewhere.


I Am.

Divinely Guarded and Guided.

I am ready. For the adventure. For the challenge. For the Joy of Being.


Monday, 7 March 2011


I chose a mother who was a very domineering woman.
She ruled the roost.
No questions asked.
What Mother wanted, Mother got!
Dad gave up his life for her. Whatever she wanted, if he could give it to her, he did.
My sister and I once asked my Dad why he never did what he wanted to do, why he abandoned himself and his dreams for her, because from our perspective, she surely did not appreciate him.
I think we may have struck a nerve, because his response was to inform us that how he chose to live his life was his concern and no-one else's. And we never asked again!

I was recently chatting to a man who said that his mother was very similar. No matter how hard he worked, or shone on the sportsfield - it was never quite enough.
As a man, he is also attracted to very strong women. And like my Dad, he abandons himself in the relationship and lets the woman take charge.

The challenge lies therein -how to be in a relationship with a strong person, without abandoning oneself in the process. Finding the way to retain one's own power and strength within the relationship.

If that balance is not found, one runs the risk of sitting back in later years and wondering what on Earth you have achieved, other than being the general dogsbody for a person who has probably no respect for your sacrifice.

You have then not only robbed yourself of a rich and full life, you have also robbed your partner of the magnificence of who you really are.

If one is happy in being the underdog ...and that is the role you came here to play, then far be it for me or any other to judge your life path.

However ....when it no longer works for you, when you have lost respect for your Self, then it is time to make a move to change.
Claim back your own power! It is yours to use. It is yours.

You are worthy of a magical life. Period.

Claim it!

Live the American Dream

I have been spoon-fed an image of the United States of America and the people of that country.
The movies and the media offer the image of bigger, better, bolder, more beautiful ...the best, really!

Slowly but surely, as I have befriended many Americans via Facebook, I am discovering a whole new image.

Same sex marriages will undermine the institution of marriage ...!

Delete Thomas Jefferson from history books.......!

Medical advice and treatment not exactly cutting edge.......sadly.

It is also the only country in the world that can stage a World Cup event that precludes any other country!

Now I know that there is so much brilliance about the place. Yet so often I am taken aback when a remark leads me to uncover truths that were well hidden from me before.

The land of the free and the home of the brave may just be myths that are purported to the outside world.

You can live The Dream in America ....ask Charlie Sheen - he knows how.

An English friend of mine who lives in the States has so often tried to dispel the myths I have had about it all. However, she can be a little caustic, so I was taking it with a pinch of salt, to counteract the bitterness with which she views the world.

One thing I do recall her telling me that whatever I can imagine, and whatever is beyond my imagination, is readily available. Anything that I will ever need and I will never need is for sale in the States.

I wonder what the truth of it all is.

I will see for myself soon. America I come ...ready or not!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

in search of meaning

I was recently introduced to the book Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. I have to admit that I did not manage to read the whole book.
It is a small book. It probably says more about me than about the author that I was unable to read it all the way through.
Today I met up with someone who I knew when we were children. 40 some years have skidded past since last we said hello.
One would think that catch up chit chat would be the main topic of conversation ...but no.
Straight into the Heart of the matter we went. He has arrived at that point in life which most of us face at some time. The crisis of the Soul. The search for meaning.

It is an honour and a privilege to connect with someone at a time like this. To discuss what really matters to our Hearts and Souls.

Also, it is extremely gratifying to see the willingness to make a change, despite the under-lying fear.

So many of us are trapped in our situations because making a change seems to be too overwhelming. We mistakenly believe that we require another to give us permission to make the changes. Often we need to merely step out of the box and leave it behind. And claim the life we deserve instead of the one we are living.

As a teenager, we decide what career we would like to follow, and head off to college or university to prepare for the life we envisage. We study hard, work hard and eventually begin to enjoy the fruits of that labour ...and then suddenly, some decades later, we discover that the whole of our life is being dictated by the decisions we made as a spotty-faced teenager! How on Earth did that happen, we ask ourselves?

It came about because we work and live unconsciously. It is when we become conscious and awake and aware that we start to question the validity of it all. Of the value of it all. To ourselves. To our Soul. Unless we are engaged with work that is life supportive for our Souls, we will feel unfulfilled.

It is up to us to make the change. When is the right time to do that, we ask? Well, the moment you take the step - that is the right time. The question really is - How long are you prepared to carry on, knowing that you will become more and more Soul-weary?

What is in it for you to stay put? What is in it for you to take the leap of faith and claim a life that will make your Soul sing?

What price are you prepared to pay - to stay? What price are you prepared to pay - to shift?

Do what makes your Heart and Soul sing.

What is your Big Dream? And when are you going to claim it?

Tell me .......because I care. I care.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

I am responsible

I have a friend who has addiction problems

He is addicted to alcohol

He is addicted to tobacco

He is addicted to sex and the thrill of the chase

When he eventually landed in the gutter ...really hitting rock bottom ... he knew it was time to take action

He booked himself into a rehab centre. He endured all that they threw at him ....he especially hated that they wrote Grandiosity next to his name on the board ...although he understands it now.

He comes from an exceedingly wealthy background ...was driven off to boarding school in the chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce Silver Cloud at the tender age of eight. Just him. And the driver. And his bags.

Daddy had already left the family. Mummy chose to go off with sister ...leaving him in a lavish setting of the sugarcane farms. Grandparents became his carers.
He often speaks of what a rich environment it was for him to grow up in. A very wealthy family, and the very poor farm workers and their families who became his friends. Culturally an interesting setting. But no mum or dad.

More than a decade ago, he was held up at gunpoint after emptying a safety deposit box at the bank. Filled with family riches. He handed everything over - a sensible action ....asked for them to throw his car and house keys back to him as they sped off. They did. They were only interested in what he had taken from the bank.

He lost a lot of valuable stuff that day ...and yet there is only one thing that he sobbed about. After having graduated from rehab, he was given a medal engraved with three words.

I am responsible

His most treasured possession. Because I knew how much it meant to him, I got a disc engraved with those words and gave it to him. Again he wept. To this day, it is tucked into his wallet. One can no longer see the engraving, but the disc represents the recognition of his achievements. He has not had any alcohol for 15 years.
He has made his life into a good one now. He has risen above his history. He chooses to be happy each day.

I share this story, because there are so many people who are so hooked into their unhappy story, and they do not take responsibility for their own feelings each day. They seek excuses for their continued misery.

My mum did not love me ...
My lover left me..
My dad beat me ...
My teacher said nasty things about me..
The neighbours are cruel to me ...
My husband does not love me ...

Despite all those things - you can choose to find happiness within. Other peoples actions cannot possibly make you happy or sad! Your emotions are your own choice.

If a child falls and scrapes his knees, a loving mum may feel sad. When that same child wins a prize, the mum may feel delighted.
However - it is not the action that causes the emotion - it is the way in which the action is interpreted that gives rise to the emotion.

So, if you had a horrid childhood - bless it. It is part of your past. But it is not an excuse or a reason to drag it around with you each day. Choose to have a happy day today.
If your partner is cruel, make a choice about when it is that you deserve more than that, and take action to change the situation.

You are responsible - for every single thing you think and do!
You are responsible - for every moment of your day!

Choose a life that uplifts, fulfills, inspires, delights..........

Because you can....

Because               ~YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE~

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


I wonder how many people have been stoned to death because they have sinned.

I wonder how many people have stoned others to death, or flogged them to death, or burned them at the stake, or used whatever other manner of inhumane action to punish those who have sinned? These people ..the ones who do the punishing many of them did so, knowing that sheer luck had them on their particular side of the scenario. Knowing that they could so easily have been the recipient of this barbarity?

To sin means to miss the mark. Literally. It means that the arrow did not fly to the point at which it was aimed. It went astray. It missed the mark. That is all.

And yet, for thousands of years, many have suffered and lived atrocious lives, because they are bound up in rules and regulations which have to be obeyed, and if they transgress, they have sinned and therefore need to suffer!

Imagine being punished for not covering your head in a place of worship. Imagine having your hand cut off for taking some bread when you are starving.

Where is the humanity in all of that?

I remember a teenager telling me that he HAD to do specific things, otherwise he would have to burn in Hell. He was taught this at his place of worship. He did not choose to be kind and loving and gentle because it was his inner nature ( and yet it IS his inner nature) ...he acted in this way to avoid punishment. He was taken aback when I asked him how he would feel if he was kind just for the sake of being kind, for the joy it brought him. He had never considered it before. There were so many rules and regulations in place that there was no space for free thought.

Sin. Just a whole heap of lies. There is no such thing as sin. It is a concept created for control of others. So often there is no logic behind the rules. Occasionally there are health reasons for the rules. Like not eating pork in the hot climates where there is no refrigeration. But to consider it a sin to eat pork in these times? Where is the logic?

And yet ....

We chose to come to this planet. We chose our lives.... we are merely actors in the plays that we have written in conjunction with others. We play whatever role we choose. We can be Victims. We can be Martyrs. We can be Smother Mother. We can be Kings. We can be Magicians. We can be Healers. We can be anything we choose. No exceptions.

Sin is for those who have not yet learned to think for themselves. For those who have not been taught about critical thinking. It is for those who allow fear-based dogma to run their lives.

How far away from sin have you walked?

Monday, 14 February 2011


There is a sense of excitement
Each  time I see your face

Renders me speechless ....
Reminds me how easily

You take my breath away!

Nothing can compare
In the grand scheme of things

Colours of the rainbow shine
Hues of every shade ....

Orange. Blue. Red.
Lilac. Green.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

softly whispering ....

The day you swept into my life
Everything changed.............

Reaching out your hand to me
Receiving mine so readily

Yes. Everything changed.

No-one has ever
Interested me in this way

Could it be that you are the One?
How will we ever know?
Only time will tell

Life will unfold and reveal all, and until then..I will be

Softly whispering ...I Love you ....

Friday, 4 February 2011

There's a hole in my sidewalk : Portia Nelson

Chapter One

I walk down the street
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in
I'm lost ...I'm helpless
It isn't my fault
It takes me forever to find a way out

Chapter Two

I walk down the same street
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
I pretend I don't see it
I fall in again
I can't believe I'm in the same place
But it isn't my fault
It still takes a long time to get out

Chapter Three

I walk down the same street
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
I see it there
I still fall in ... it's a habit
My eyes are open
I know where I am
It is my fault
I get out immediately

Chapter Four
I walk down the same street
There'e a deep hole in the sidewalk
I walk around it

Chapter Five

I walk down another street

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Boundless Love

Dearly Beloved ...
We met

We discovered Love

We parted

I am sad .....

Yet ever grateful that we met

The song and the joy and the beauty you brought has left an indelible mark on my life
Not many get to experience Love so overwhelming, so boundless, so comprehensive and engaging

We will meet again

in this world or the next

and until that moment, know that you are Loved beyond measure

Loved because You are You and I am Me

Dearly Beloved ..

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

giving and receiving

A friend had what one might call a lucky break today and her friend commented that she had been lucky because she gives unconditionally, and that it is Spiritual Law that she is rewarded in a similar way.

On the surface, this may seem to be correct. Give, willingly - receive, in abundance.

There are so many layers to this concept. Yes, when one is giving willingly and unconditionally, one does receive in return. It is the sense of knowing that you helped a fellow human being, or an animal, or a charitable organisation. It does not mean that because you have given freely of yourself, that you will always be the first name out of the hat in a lucky draw. It does not mean that you will win the lottery.It does not mean that if you give of yourself spiritually, that you will be rewarded materially.
There will be times when exceptional gifts come your way after you have done something that is deemed to be noble or kind or generous. But it may have nothing to do with those acts. It could be random luck!

I have seen many a homeless person, struggling to survive on the streets, who is selflessly kind to other beings - human or animal. And still, the struggle continues - searching for food and shelter and warmth.

Giving of yourself ~ IS~ the gift. It is the opportunity for you to feel good about the time you are spending on the planet. It is that feel-good feeling of having helped another, when they had needed a lending hand.

That, for me, is the Spiritual Law .....helping ~ when you can ~ just because you can.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


we have amazing senses

most of us can see, hear, taste, smell, touch

and we have that sixth sense, the inner voice

the one which alerts us to danger
the one which helps us find things we have misplaced

and my favourite sense is the one of anticipation

that inner knowing that something exciting is unfolding
that I am on the brink of something special

for months, I have known that something is just around the corner for me ...
I have been able to feel It, taste It, smell It ......and yet not quite see or hear It

In a dream last night - I know I saw it and recognised it.

now, the anticipation - of waiting for it's arrival

I will share the moment with you.

Until then, I will enjoy the fun of imagining It!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

going home........

Going home ... that phrase always held a sense of comfort for me. Going home meant going back to things that are familiar. A place of rest. A place that holds treasured articles, fond memories, and what I call ~ a soft place to land ~

There is also another meaning that this holds for me ... going home. To where I came from. When I am done with this lifetime. When I am ready to move on to whatever happens beyond this physical lifetime. Going home in this sense appeals when this lifetime is tough and challenging ...and I will go home, one day, when the time is perfect ....

Going home right now means something a little different. It means leaving my daughter with whom I have spent the last few weeks. Leaving her and her partner, and flying South for many hours ...from the icy cold winter of the North to the warmth of an African summer.

So near, and yet so far.

This time, going home to the place where I live, where I have friends and family, where I get to earn the money I need to live on this planet, where I have a beautiful cat who is lonely for my company, where there are most of the things that make up my life ~ this time, going home does not appeal as much as usual.

It brings up too many questions.

About who I am. What I want to do. What I need to shed of the Old to make way for the New.

It brings up a million questions, and I have very few answers.

This time, going home means I can no longer avoid finding the answers to the questions I have. It is time for me to discover who I am, and what I really, really, really want from this lifetime.

It is time for me to be bold. To claim and stand in my own power. It is time for me to stand up and be counted in a way I have never done before.

Because what has worked up till now, has not been enough. Slowly but surely, I have drifted away from my dream. I have allowed it to erode bit by bit. I have put my Life on hold ~ for seemingly good reason ... but I have fooled myself. Only me. No-one else has been fooled.

I will allow my inner strength to emerge. I will look at my own Life with kind eyes and an open heart. I will see the beauty of what I have to offer. I allow that beauty to permeate every vision I have of myself. For myself.

No longer am I content to be an observer of my own life. I will be an active participant in this universal dance of Loving and Living and Growing and Sharing.

In doing so, I will create the time and the space and the energy that allows me to find that soft place to land. I deserve that place where I feel Loved and Supported.

In a few days, I will arrive at the place I call home, for the first time in 2011

It is going to be an interesting journey. And with just a smattering of trepidation, I am looking forward to it, and I am eager to see how it all unfolds.

Somewhere, inside of me, resides the courage I need for taking those steps. Time to unwrap that particular gift!

To quote my favourite author:

Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.
Richard Bach 

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Two sides to the Coin

Fire is necessary on the mountains around the city I call home. The vegetation needs to re-seed itself every few years, and fire is the key to unlocking those seeds. Mother Nature allows that elemental power of fire to sweep across the flora, wiping out the old and allowing the new to seed itself.

Those fires are awesome. They destroy. They renew. The demand one's attention. It is difficult for me not to be moved by the scene, even if I am many thousands of miles away. When 'my' mountain burns, I take note. 

Because there is quite a bit of alien vegetation like pine trees, brought in by settlers hundreds of years ago, the damage is extensive and very visual. The indigenous plants are in comparison, small shrubs. They still burn, but perhaps with less ferocity than the huge trees that were planted in the area.

The recent fires may have been started by arsonists. What the intention behind their actions may be, I do not know.

What matters to me is my reaction to the scenario. It felt 'wrong'. Mother Nature 'should' be the one to decide when the time is 'right' for the fire.

Right and wrong , however, are merely opposite sides to the same coin. It is a matter of perspective.

Good and Bad. Love and Fear. Light and Dark. 

We so often make judgment calls about these things. And yet they are merely different sides of the same coin.

When a coin is lying on a table, the part facing upwards is in the so-called Light. The other side of that coin is at the same moment in time, experiencing what we may call Dark. Perspective is the difference. Because if we flip that coin, the scenario reverses itself.

While we are judging the scenario, perhaps it is because we are only looking at one side of the coin. There is so often the other side of the story. 

I believe that no matter how it looks, all is well. Because of that balance of up and down, left and right, rich and poor, good and evil. When we get the chance and ability to step back and see the bigger picture, we get a new perspective. 

I know that the mountain will recover from the damage. In a year or so, the vegetation will be rich and lush again. Life goes on. 

We get to choose how to view the events of our lives. We get to choose to see either one or both sides of the coin. We have that power. We get to choose ...